rdBPtools Manual version 1.40
Last Updated: 10th December 2024
- Section 1: What does rdBPtools do?
- Section 2: The UI
- Section 3: Creating Blueprints from your level actors (video)
- Section 4: Randomization (video)
- Section 5: StaticMesh Instance Settings
- Section 6: Showing and Hiding Sections of your Blueprint
- Section 7: Copying Blueprints back to your level
- Section 8: Changing Mobility
- Section 9: Other Tools
- Section 10: Creating Static Meshes from your Blueprint
- Section 11: Converting rdBPtools Blueprints to use Epics Mesh instancing
- Section 12: Creating LevelInstances and PackedLevelActors
- Section 13: Moving StaticMeshes to the Foliage System
- Section 14: Harvesting StaticMeshes from actors such as PCG or Foliage
- Section 15: Extending Functionality