rdBPtools Tutorial 4.3 – Saving changed Prefab Instances to their Asset

You have the option to make changes to each instance of your prefab in the level, or you can update the Prefab Asset with the instance changes to have it apply to all instances.

Step 1. Make some changes to a Prefab

In this tutorial, we’re going to update the asset with the changes made in the previous tutorial (Update Asset was unticked). Open that level and locate the prefab

Step 2. Choose the “Update Transforms” tool.

Right-click on the prefab and choose the “Update Transforms” tool in the rdBPtools menu section. As we’re not adding any extra actors or removing anything this tool is perfect, no settings are needed – the new data is transferred to the Asset.

If you have extra actors to add at the same time, follow tutorial 4.2

Step 3. Done.