rdBPtools Reference Manual 1.40
Last Updated: 12th December 2024
The Blueprint Prefabs that rdBPtools create come supplied with various functions that can be used to manipulate their contents.
If you’re creating prefabs using rdInst classes, you can read about the functions available in the rdInst Reference Manual.
The Prefabs are sub-classed from either BP_ContainerBaseX or BP_RandomAssetBaseX – these are both sub-classed from BP_rdBPBaseX.
The Prefab Object data is stored in a map in each instance of the prefab – the Key is the Sid of the mesh, the Value is a BPS_InstDataX structure which contains an Array of BPS_InstDescriptions for each instance.
You can directly access both the BPS_InstDataX structures and each ISMC/HISMC used by the prefabs by using the rdGetInstListX and rdGetISMCListX getter nodes, or accessing the Map variables directly (they’re in a hidden category, so you’ll need to untick “Context Sensitive”).
You can find the specific item you’re looking for by way of its sid – using the Find node on the map to get either the InstanceComponent or the Item Description.
The InstListX Map Values are BPS_InstDataX structures which are basically Arrays of BPS_InstDescription structures – they contain the information used for the collation, state and randomization of the prefab items.
The “instanceIndex” value at the bottom holds the current Instance Index, if you manually add items to a prefab you can spawn an instance at the same time and pass in the index to avoid rebuilding the entire prefab.