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Version 1.10
- ADDED: WorldPositionOffsetDisableDistance to instance settings window
- ADDED: Tool to harvest ISMs and HISMs from selected actors to Actors or Blueprint (works with PCG and foliage volumes)
- ADDED: Built-in InstancedStaticMesh manager for default instancing
- ADDED: Option to filter classes to rdBase derived only
- ADDED: Option to copy non-childactor components from selected blueprints to level along with the childactor ones
- ADDED: Replace option for CreateBPFromSelection
- ADDED: Tool to copy instances in blueprint to the foliage system
- ADDED: Tool to create LevelInstances and PackedLevelInstances from Blueprints
- ADDED: Tool to mirror Assets in Blueprints
- ADDED: Tool to place Assets in Blueprints on the ground
- ADDED: Options to harvest staticmeshes from blueprints when creating prefabs
- ADDED: MoveToFoliage for Selected StaticMeshActors
- CHANGED: Made OnlyOne mode detect if one or no folders, and then chose from just assets in root
- CHANGED: Blueprints now update on drag unless they have a large number of children/instances
- FIXED: Assets would sometimes fail to load on UE5.2.1
- FIXED: CreateBlueprintFromSelection was loosing any selected class in the UI if other options were selected afterwards
- FIXED: ReplaceSelectedBlueprints did not retain the rotation of the blueprint
- FIXED: After “Replace in Level”, the selection was not being updated
- FIXED: Changing Instance settings not updating existing instances in rdInst
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