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Version 1.20
- ADDED: Dialog for “Move to Foliage” to select any existing FT
- ADDED: System that allows clicking/right-clicking on instances to select their prefab
- ADDED: Leave negatively scaled meshes as ChildActors
- ADDED: Change the ChildActor Components and StaticMesh Components names to the labels used in the level
- ADDED: Get all blueprints harvesting the children for Create from Selection
- ADDED: Add tools to convert ISMs to SMs and back for HLOD building
- ADDED: Add option for recursing visibility objects
- ADDED: Implemented the SM->ISM and ISM->SM blueprint functions
- ADDED: Agnostic function to shift specific meshes by a certain amount
- ADDED: Tool to move all instances/assets by a vector
- ADDED: Tool to Convert PCG or Foliage Volume to Baked rdSpawnActor
- ADDED: Instance setting option for writing velocity information for instances
- ADDED: Tool to Convert selected actors to Baked rdSpawnActor
- ADDED: Instance Settings for Shadow Invalidation type
- ADDED: Tool to set/clear per-proxy hits to BP prefabs
- ADDED: Support instance editing in BP only prefabs
- ADDED: Right-clicking on instances without edit mode now opens the prefab actors menu
- ADDED: Support for a PivotActor when creating prefabs
- ADDED: UpdatePrefabBPFromActor to store actor instances changes in the prefab Blueprint
- CHANGED: Make the default on for collision
- CHANGED: Make the default on for hit proxies
- CHANGED: Harvest Instances now also harvests SMCs, ChildActor SMs and SM Actors
- CHANGED: Get all types of blueprints working with “Copy to Level”
- FIXED: Centering/Justifying prefabs is now exact
- FIXED: Instance setting “Light Channels” now allows multiple channels to be selected
- FIXED: Instance settings are now saved and used for non-rdInst instances
- FIXED: Overwrite not working when Creating from Selection
- FIXED: Prefabs not running construction script on drag
- FIXED: Blueprint based Folder themes not working
- FIXED: rdInst based Folder themes not working
- FIXED: LightChannel Settings were not working for multiple channels
- FIXED: Instance settings were not being used for BP based instances
- FIXED: GroupActors no longer get included as ChildActorComponents
- FIXED: Creating from folder failing when over-writing file
- FIXED: CreateFromSelection with “Replace” on was not rendering the replaced prefab correctly
- FIXED: Calling rdBuild from BP blueprint was not removing all previous instances
- FIXED: Names and Labels of actors spawned with CopyToLevel now use the saved name from when created
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