Chapter 7 – Passing Build Information to your objects (rdInst only)
Another powerful feature of rdBuildBuddy is the ability to pass through construction data to objects (Blueprints) you’re creating. These have to be based on the rdActor though, so you’ll need rdInst installed (at least during construction anyway).
The object you create gets passed through some details about the construction and some other data that you can control from a sub-class.
There is a structure called “Position Info” that contains the following data:

The “TotalLevels”,”TotalRows” and “TotalColumns” are the total number of each in the Build that is being processed at present.
The “Level”,”Row” and “Column” are the current position of each in the Build that is being processed at present.
The “RandomSeed” is an over-ride Seed you can pass through instead of it inheriting it’s parents.
The “Bitfield” is a 64 bit integer. It can be used to signify various states in the objects that are being created. (e.g. Light on, TV on, door open etc).