Adding Instances

This section goes into details about the speed of adding instances with the various ways.

For the Foliage system, each instance is placed while editing, so the only setup cost is moving the data to VRAM for the GPU – for the quickest setup costs, set up your instance data and just save that. For variety and saving space, set them up at runtime.

There are a few ways to set up instances in rdInst, so here are the setup timings for each type:

Blueprint – Managed rdInstances – 222.32ms

This has the slowest setup time of the rdInst types (it’s still much faster than just blueprint). A typical setup blueprint looks something like this:

Blueprint – Unmanaged rdInstances – 205.96ms

Blueprint – Native Instances – 871.99ms

C++ – Managed rdInstances – 91.89ms

C++ – Unmanaged rdInstances – 41.75ms

C++ – Normal Instances – 645.97ms