Step 4.

Now we have all our Material Functions created, we just need to hook them all up in our Landscape Material.

  1. Create a new Material, I’ve called mine, originally enough “M_Landscape”.
  2. Tick “Use material Attributes” in the Material section of the Details pane.
  3. Change the Tessellation type to “PN Triangles” and tick “Crack Free” and “Adaptive”.
  4. Drag your Material Functions into the Material.
  5. Add a “Layer Blend” Node and add 6 Layers, labelled for each of the layer types.
  6. Drag the Result of each of the Material Functions to the corresponding layer.
  7. Wire the output of the Layer Blend to the output (Material Attributes).
  8. Done.

The Material isn’t too slow either, below shows the shader complexity for a variety of combinations of layers.