Tool 8: Create NormalMap

The Create NormalMap tool allows you to easily create normalmaps from diffuse, height or bump maps.

Just select the textures in the content browser, right-click and select the “Tools->Normal Generator” from the rdTexTools section of the menu.

You can move between the selected textures in the preview by clicking the Left and Right arrow buttons besides the preview.

The Suffix is appended to the end of the current texture name when creating the normalmap. If there is already a file by that name it will be skipped unless you have “Overwrite” ticked.

The Normal Grain controls the distance between pixels for calculating the current slope.

The Intensity controls how vividly to create the normal.

When you tick “Only Open with Shift Held” the next time you use the tool, it’s Default settings will be applied to the selected textures without opening the window. Hold down the shift key when selecting the tool to open the window.