Tool 5: Extract Channels

This tool gives you the ability to extract any channels from the current texture and create new textures from those channels. The new textures are saved as either 8bit or 16bit greyscale textures depending on the source textures pixel format.

Area1: Texture Details

The options here are for details about the source texture.

Source Mip The same as the re-size source Mip, specifies the Mip to use from the source texture.

Area2: Channels

The options here are for selecting which channels to extract and their filenames.

RGBA tick boxes You can select which channels to export by having them ticked.

RGBA Names In these you specify the output name for the new textures. They default to the current textures name suffxed with _r,_g etc.
Just like the Combine Channels window, the Name boxes behave in the same way – when the file exists and the overwrite box is unticked, the name is displayed in red and the “Extract” button will not be enabled until all Names are valid.