Section 2.3: The StaticMesh ToolBar Menu

rdMeshTools also adds a ToolBar Menu Item to the StaticMesh Editor.
From this you can specify new scales, rotations and pivots for the mesh that is currently open in the editor.
Section 2.3.1: Duplicate and Edit Tool
The Duplicate and Edit tool simply creates a duplicate of your current mesh and opens it in the StaticMesh Editor. This is a time saver when you decide to make experimental changes to things – making a backup first is always a good thing to do.
Section 2.3.2: Scale/Rotate Tool

The first tool is the Scale/Rotate tool which allows you to enter any scale and rotation for all axis of the mesh.
Once you’ve selected your values just click the “Change” or “Dup & Change” button to apply.
Section 2.3.3: Pivot Tool

This tool allows you to change the Pivot Point of the mesh. This can be an important part of the mesh when building things in your scenes comprised of smaller meshes.
Simply enter the alignment for each axis and click “Set” or “Dup & Set” to set the Pivot Point.
Section 2.3.4: Mirror Options
This is the same tool as the one displayed in the Tasks submenu, just in the main menu for ease of access. See the Tasks section for more details.
Section 2.3.5: Tasks Submenu
This opens the same submenu as the content browser menus submenu, check out Section 2.1.3 for details on the tools contained here.
Section 2.3.6: Sockets
The Sockets Submenu gives you tools to Copy and Paste Sockets to the Clipboard, Sort the Sockets and Delete All Sockets for the current mesh.

The Copy/Paste tools can make it very easy to transfer sockets from one mesh to another.
Section 2.3.7: Collision
Note: These tools are not implemented yet, but will be in the next update.

Section 2.3.8: About Window

This simply opens the About window. This can be useful to find the current version of rdMeshTools.