Section 2.7. rdInstBase- Conversions

// [rdInst v1.24] Converts the Instance to a ChildActorComponent
UChildActorComponent* rdConvertInstanceToChildActor(ArdActor* actor,UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index);

// [rdInst v1.24] Converts the Instance to a new StaticMesh Actor in the level, setting its mesh to the instance mesh (spawn)
AActor* rdConvertInstanceToLevelActor(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index);

// [rdInst v1.24] Converts the Instance to a new Actor - actorClass, in the level (spawn)
AActor* rdConvertInstanceToActor(UStaticMesh* mesh,UClass* actorClass,int32 index);

// [rdInst v1.24] Converts the Instance to a new Actor in the level from the ActorPool
AActor* rdConvertInstanceToActorFromPool(UStaticMesh* mesh,UClass* actorClass,int32 index);

// [rdInst v1.24] Converts all Instances in the volume to new Actors in the level from the ActorPool
int32 rdConvertInstancesToActorsFromPool(UStaticMesh* mesh,UClass* actorClass,rdTraceMode mode,int32 radius,const FVector start,const FVector finish,TArray<AActor*>& actors);