// [rdInst v1.00] Changes the Seed used for the Random Generation and rebuilds the Actor
void rdRandomize();
// [rdInst v1.00] Applies the Randomizations on this and its Children and creates the ISMs
void rdBuild();
// [rdInst v1.00] Queues this actor to be built next tick
void rdDirty(int32 countdown=0);
// [rdInst v1.10] Event called when in Build Mode, just fires the rdBuild Event where you can process your actors in the Blueprint
void rdBuildEvent();
// [rdInst v1.00] Enumerates the folder, building the children if they're rdActors
void rdBuildFolder(USceneComponent* comp);
// [rdInst v1.00] Goes through all the Child Components of this Actor applying their Randomization Settings
void rdBuildRandomizedComponents();
// [rdInst v1.00] Builds the Instanced Static Meshes for this Actor with their Randomizations
void rdBuildRandomizedISMs();
// [rdInst v1.00] Like rdBuildRandomizedISMs, but it resets the rdInst BaseActor as well
void rdRecreateBPInstances();
// [rdInst v1.00] Builds the Instanced Static meshes from our InstanceList, ignoring Hidden Folders. No Randomization is applied
void rdBuildShowOnlyOneISMs_Folder();
// [rdInst v1.00] Usually called internally, this hides all but one Actor or Folder of Actors contained as children of this Actor
void rdThereCanBeOnlyOne();