Section 3.3. rdActor – Randomization
// [rdInst v1.00] Adds the Randomization from the RandomSettings to the Transform. If this Actor is reliant on another Actor that has not been processed yet, processed is set to false
bool rdAddRandomization(FTransform& outTransform,FrdRandomSettings* rnd,bool& processed);
// [rdInst v1.00] Utility Node that returns a Random Vector between the two passed in Vector limits
FVector rdRandomVectorInRange(const FVector& v1,const FVector& v2);
// [rdInst v1.00] Utility Node that returns a Random Rotator between the two passed in rotation limits, and the Flip Probability Vector
FRotator rdRandomRotatorInRange(const FRotator& r1,const FRotator& r2,const FVector& flipProb);