Section 3.6.3. rdActor – Instancing – Transforming

// [rdInst v1.00] Sets the Specified Instance of the UStaticMeshes FTransform
void rdSetInstanceTransform(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index,const FTransform& transform);

// [rdInst v1.00] Gets the Transform of the Specified Instance of the UStaticMesh
bool rdGetInstanceTransform(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index,FTransform& transform);

// [rdInst v1.00] Adds to the Specified Instances Transform with the specified FTransform
void rdAddInstanceTransform(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index,const FTransform& transform);

// [rdInst v1.00] Updates this Actors Instances to reflect the Actors new Transform
void rdUpdateISMTransforms();

// [rdInst v1.00] Returns the World Transform of the specified Relative Transform
FTransform rdInstToWorld(const FTransform& tran);

// Returns the Relative Transform of the specified World Transform
FTransform rdWorldToInst(const FTransform& tran);

// [rdInst v1.00] Update the Transform for the specified Instance Index
void rdUpdateTransform(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 index,const FTransform& transform);

// [rdInst v1.00] Update the Transforms for the specified Instance Indexes
void rdUpdateTransforms(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32 startIndex,const TArray<FTransform>& transforms);

// [rdInst v1.36] rdUpdateInstanceTransformsFromList
void rdUpdateInstanceTransformsFromList(const FrdInstancesMap& selISMCmap);

// [rdInst v1.35] Increment the Transforms for the specified Instance Indexes
void rdIncrementTransforms(UStaticMesh* mesh,const TArray<int32>& indexes,const FTransform& transform);

// [rdInst v1.10] Gets a reference to the Per-Instance Transforms for the mesh
TArray<FTransform>& rdGetTransformsPtr(UStaticMesh* mesh,int32& numTransforms);

// [rdInst v1.10] Get the Transform of the FastInstance item
FTransform rdGetFastArrayItemTransform(int32 index,int32 tindex);

// [rdInst v1.10] Set the Transform of the FastInstance item
void rdSetFastArrayItemTransform(int32 index,int32 tindex,const FTransform transform);

// [rdInst v1.10] Gets the Transform of the RandomizedInstance item
FTransform rdGetRandomizedArrayItemTransform(int32 index,int32 tindex);

// [rdInst v1.10] Set the Transform of the RandomizedInstance item
void rdSetRandomizedArrayItemTransform(int32 index,int32 tindex,const FTransform transform);