Section 3. rdActor
Section 3.1. rdActor – Event Handlers
// [rdInst v1.00] The OnConstruction Script has code to generate a new Random Seed if this Actors bRandomStart flag is True
virtual void OnConstruction(const FTransform &Transform) override;
// [rdInst v1.00] Used Internally to Destroy ISMs associated with this Actor
virtual void BeginDestroy() override;
virtual void Destroyed() override;
// [rdInst v1.00] The BeginPlay event, has code to generate a new Random Seed if this Actors bRandomStart flag is True
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
// [rdInst v1.00] The EndPlay event, has code to remove instances - this gets called when actors are unloaded with WorldPartition
virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override;
// [rdInst v1.24] Called when Actor falls out of world - usually destroys the actor
virtual void FellOutOfWorld(const UDamageType& dmgType) override;
// [rdInst v1.35] Called when the Actors lifetime expires
virtual void LifeSpanExpired() override;
// [rdInst v1.24] Implement this Event to handle removing things when actor is destroyed. Works in the editor
void rdDestroyed();
// [rdInst v1.00] Refreshes the rdActor after a drag operation
virtual void PostEditMove(bool bFinished);