Section 2.10. rdInstBase- Landscape
// Note: These are not yet implemented in rdInst 1.36
// [rdInst v1.40] Returns the height of the landscape using the heightmap
float rdGetLandscapeZ(float x,float y);
// [rdInst v1.40] Paints the Landscape Paint Layer at the specified position, size and strength
void rdPaintLandscape(ULandscapeLayerInfoObject* paintLayer,TEnumAsByte<rdLandscapeShape> shape,float x,float y,float width,float height,float angle=0.0f,float strength=1.0f,float falloff=0.3f,USplineComponent* spline=nullptr,const FString& layer=TEXT(""));
// [rdInst v1.40] Flattens the landscape at the location/size by strength with falloff
void rdFlattenLandscapeArea(TEnumAsByte<rdLandscapeShape> shape,float x,float y,float width,float height,float angle=0.0f,float strength=1.0f,float falloff=0.3f,USplineComponent* spline=nullptr,const FString& layer=TEXT(""));
// [rdInst v1.40] Stamps the texture onto the landscape at the location/size by strength with falloff
void rdStampLandscapeArea(UTexture2D* stamp,float x,float y,float width,float height,float strength=1.0f,const FString& layer=TEXT(""));
// [rdInst v1.40] Creates a Texture of the specified shape and size/rotation
UTexture2D* rdCreateTextureForShape(TEnumAsByte<rdLandscapeShape> shape,float x,float y,float width,float height,float angle=0.0f,float strength=1.0f,float falloff=0.3f,USplineComponent* spline=nullptr);