Test 2: Occlusion Culling in UE5.2, Nanite, Lumen and VSM
This test is using the recommended combination of Nanite, Lumen and Virtual Shadow Maps. This provides the highest quality for your games. Scalability is set at Epic.
There are 30 different meshes instanced out into 300,000 instances. They have WPO wind which is culled at 5,000. The meshes are megascans foliage with high poly meshes and optimized textures.


Note that with the Foliage, it was necessary to reduce the number of instances by half to achieve a similar frame-rate. This is because the test was done with a World Partition level and foliage instances are spread out between tiles – each tile has it’s own HISMCs so the number of draw-calls scales with the number of tiles.