Section 12. Creating LevelInstances and PackedLevelActors
It’s very easy to convert your prefabs to LevelInstances, or if they’re all static meshes – to PackedLevelActors too.
You can just create a LevelInstance by clicking on an instance of one in your level and using the UE5 Level submenu in the context menu to create one – that just creates a LevelInstance containing the actual Blueprint Prefab.
Another way to do it is to select the prefab and use the rdBPtools sections “Convert to LevelInstance” option in the context menu – that breaks the prefab down into it’s individual assets and builds the LevelInstance or PackedLevelActor from those.
There’s a slight extra overhead with LevelInstances – and are better suited for larger scale areas. Things like rooms are much more efficient when kept as single or few instances of prefabs, and move them around the level.