Section 13. Moving StaticMeshes to the Foliage System
The ultimate goal with optimization is to have as many level objects as instanced static meshes – whether that’s you’re foliage, your cities or your roads and bridges etc. As many of those instances as possible should share the same ISM or HISM Components.
As you almost always have foliage of some type – it can be quite efficient to move meshes over to the foliage system – then you can let that take care of things such as WorldPartition. Much less actors in the level is not only an optimization for runtime, it speeds up the editor no end too.
To move your meshes to the Foliage system, all you have to do is select them in your level (Static Mesh Actors or Blueprints with meshes and/or instances), right-click and select “Move to Foliage” from the context menu.